Ordivician Protoasterid Morocco.

Undescribed protasterid. A lovely early brittlestar on matrix. It measures 17 mm across. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £69. OFT 946.

Ureocrinus Crinoid Calyx Carboniferous Scotland

Ureocrinus sp. This is a lovely crushed calyx specimen. It is Dinantian Stage, Blackhall Limestone Formation, Carboniferous and dates circa 320 million years old. It is from Blairskaith Quarry, Midland Valley of Scotland, East Dunbartonshire. The scale bar is in (cm). Priced at £29. Quote reference number OFC 945.

Devonian Crinoid

Cupressocrinites sp. It measures 130 mm in height. It comes from the Devonian of Djebel Issimour, Morocco, Africa and date circa 370 million years old. Supplied with label. Priced at £99. OFT 825.

Nielsenicrinus Cretaceous Crinoid Stem sections x 15

Nielsenicrinus cretaceus. 15 x stem sections. The scale is shown in (mm). They are Lower Cretaceous age circa 100 million years old and come from the Gault Clay, Albian Stage of Folkstone, Kent, UK. Supplied labelled and in an attractive display box. Priced at £10. Quote reference number OFC 942.

Ordivician Starfish

Petraster sp. A lovely starfish on matrix. It measures 50 mm across. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £49. OFT 876.

Ordivician Edioasteroids

Unidentified species. Several rare edioasteroids on matrix. The close-up one is 12 mm across across. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £29. OFT 934. 

Ordivician Edioasteroid

Unidentified species. A rare edioasteroid on matrix. It is 13 mm across. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £24. OFT 935. 

Ordivician Eocrinoids

Ascocystites drabovensis.? Two rare eocrinoids on matrix. The longest one is 65 mm in height. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £49. OFT 971. 

Ordivician Eocrinoid

Ascocystites drabovensis.? A rare eocrinoid on matrix. It is 50 mm in height. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £39. OFT 937.

Ordivician Cystoid

Dendrocystoides.? A rare rhombiferan cystoid on matrix. It is 15 mm in height. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £29. OFT 936.

Ordivician Cystoids

Dendrocystoides.? A group of rare rhombiferan cystoids on matrix. The largest is 22 mm in height. It comes from the Tremadoc Series, Kataoua Formation, Ordivician of Mecissi, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label. Priced at £39. OFT 823.

Ordivician Carpoid

Unidentified species. A lovely high grade rare Carpoid on matrix measuring 45 mm in height. The scale is shown in (cm). It comes from the Fezouata Formation, Ordivician of The Draa Valley, Zagora, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label and in an attractive display box. Priced at £49. OFT 933.

Ordivician Carpoid

Unidentified species. A lovely high grade rare Carpoid on matrix measuring 20 mm in height. The scale is shown in (cm). It comes from the Fezouata Formation, Ordivician of The Draa Valley, Zagora, Morocco, Africa and dates circa 420 million years old. An excellent display piece for those on a budget. Supplied with label and in an attractive display box. Priced at £29. OFT 848. 

Silurian Crinoid Calyx

Eucalyptocrinus crassus. It is 28mm in height. This would make an excellent display/study piece. It is circa 420 million years old from the Waldron Shale, Silurian of Clark County, Indiana, USA. Supplied with label. Priced at £8. Quote reference number OFC 873.

Carboniferous Crinoid Calyx

Macrocrinus verneuilianus & Azigocrinus rotundus. They are 18 and 25mm in height respectively on matrix measuring 88 x 60 x 22mm. They are circa 325 million years old from the Burlington Formation, Mississippian (Carboniferous) of Lincoln County, Missouri, USA. Supplied with label. Priced at £19. Quote reference number OFC 871.

Carboniferous Crinoid Calyx

Ureocrinus sp. This is a nice crushed partial calyx specimen. It is Dinantian Stage, Blackhall Limestone Formation, Carboniferous and dates circa 320 million years old. It is from Blairskaith Quarry, Midland Valley of Scotland, East Dunbartonshire. It measures 12 mm across. Priced at £9. Quote reference number OFC 816.

Carboniferous Crinoid Calyx

Ureocrinus sp. This is a nice near complete calyx specimen showing good detail. It is Dinantian Stage, Blackhall Limestone Formation, Carboniferous and dates circa 320 million years old. It is from Blairskaith Quarry, Midland Valley of Scotland, East Dunbartonshire. A good display/study size piece. It measures 13 mm across. Priced at £12. Quote reference number OFC 811.

Jurassic Crinoid Ossicle

Pentacrinites fossilis. From the top of the Belemnite Marls, Seatown, Dorset, UK. It is Lower Lias, Lower Jurassic age circa 180 million years old. It measures 6 mm across. Supplied with label. Priced at £3. Quote reference number OFC 938.

Jurassic Crinoid Ossicle

Isocrinus fisheri. From the Upper Oxford Clay, Warboys, Cambridgeshire, UK. It is circa 157 million years old. It measures 5 mm across. Supplied with label and in an attractive display box. This is representative of the size and quality you will get. I have several of these left so please state quantity you wish to purchase. Priced at £3 with extra ones at £2 each. Quote reference number OFC 804.

Cretaceous Crinoid Calyx

Bourgueticrinus ellipticas.? Santonian, Upper Chalk, Upper Cretaceous circa 75 million years old. Pegwell Bay, Kent, UK. It measures 6 mm in height, showing fair detail. An uncommon 3D crinoid calyx. Supplied with label and in an attractive display box. Priced at £10. Quote reference number OFC 814.

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